
Are you Looking for a Miracle?

This morning I was reading about Mary telling Jesus they had run out of wine at the wedding. Mary didn’t know what Jesus would do, just that she had faith he would do something. How big was she thinking? Was she thinking he would just fill up the wine bottles? Or was she leaving room for an enormous breakthrough with more than enough left over?

And what about Elijah and the woman who was going to die because she had no food? He told her to fix him some food and some for herself and she would never run out of flour or oil. What if she didn’t believe him and refused because it didn’t make any sense? She took what she had in her hands and received more than enough left over

What about the fish and the loaves? Jesus asked “What do you have?” and they multiplied as many as was needed with enough left over.

What are my expectations for my health?

My doctor told me “You will always need to manage your condition”. Their expectation is a carefully managed life through diet, exercise and medication, which should give me a longer life. Which is certainly better than the doctors through traditional medicine who told me “Your life will never be the same” for my future after chemo, radiation and surgery.

But what if…what if I dreamed big like Jesus’ mother Mary did when she told the servants ‘do whatever He says’? She didn’t know He would tell the servants to get every water container in the house and fill it with water. She just was waiting in expectation. And she even got into a tiny bit of an argument when Jesus said “Woman, what have I to do with thee, mine hour has not yet come”. She didn’t let that impact her, she responded with “Do whatever he says”. Jesus ended up filling every water pitcher in the place. There were 6 water pots and it ended up being anywhere from 108 to 162 gallons. What if there had been more pots or what if Mary had tried to direct the miracle by saying “bring the wine pitchers”.

How many times have I in the past tried to manage my expectations or those of someone else I love and tried to think of only what I could do, or what I thought they could do, so we wouldn’t be disappointed? What if I responded to myself and to others what God could do…and then there’s no limit?

What if I just said, “I’m going to live to 120. And I’m going to be healthy and strong and not have to worry about diet, exercise and supplements”? What if I believed God for way more than I thought was possible? I mean, let’s be real, living to 120 is definitely not something I could accomplish by ‘managing my health’.

Just writing this down makes me happy, and a little like I’m out on the edge prepared for a miracle. Will people think of me as a fool? Will I actually be strong and healthy all the days of my life? I’m so thankful for the teachings of Andrew Wommack and others who consistently teach me to dream bigger than I can dream. Because after all, it’s God-sized not Robbie sized. I’m just going to “fill those waterpots up” with dreams of things only God can do.

Some days I’m going to need a little jumpstart to get the dream imagination going, because, yes, there have been a lot of hard things that have happened. But who wants my dreams crushed? Satan. Who wants my dreams exploding? God. Then He gets the glory, not Robbie. I’m starting with what I have in my hands.

Today I start my second round of chemo. We have to fast 6 hours before we receive it, so I’m up in the early hours so I can have my coffee for the day before my fast! Haha. Then I go to the HBOT, check in with a dentist about my root canals, and then chemo. A full day and I’m grateful. Grateful for the people who have dedicated their lives to healing others and helping their immune systems become strong to fight off sickness.

Dr. Minkoff who started this program is 75 years old and still runs Iron Man marathons. He teaches daily through videos while we sit in the lobby, explaining how our bodies need to heal. And some days I see him visiting his patients in the iv room after his day of seeing patients in his office. He’s a great example for us all, to not give up, and to believe for the impossible!

Thanks, as always, for your precious notes and prayers. It keeps me encouraged on the days I forget that miracles are just around the corner.


Robbie and Mike

P.S. 2nd round of chemo went well. Went for a walk on the beach after and Michael made us a delicious dinner of steak and salad!

I invited my new friend Meg whom I had met in the HBOT. She is here by herself and she has lymphoma all throughout her bones. She is my Nebraska buddy and we talked all night about miracles and healing. She has a little church in her small town of 11 people and she shared with me that at her service before she left she had a God encounter. The room went blurry as she was standing and worshipping and she heard very clearly “You are going to get healed”. And then she came back into the room. She had never heard from God and nudged her husband to see if he had said that. She was afraid to tell people for a while because no one would probably believe her. I celebrated with her for that word from God and we prayed for her before she left. With tears she asked if we could hug…and of course, I said yes!

I met Coleen in the HBOT yesterday morning who was struggling in her marriage. She’s a young mom with 3 little ones and she has Lyme disease and is here for 8 weeks. Her husband was a hockey player, now retired and a little lost at what his life is to be, so he’s out there playing golf every day. I began sharing with her how my life had changed after I met Jesus and I became a better wife. She asked me for books that she might read so she too could become a better wife. She’s not a believer yet, but she told me how discouraged she had been until she spent our time together and now she was revived! Jesus is in the business of restoration! Praying for her salvation.